Correct Bendix Starter Drive for a '54 Hudson with Hydramatic Transmission
Greetings All,
I have a 54 Hudson Hornet 7D with 308 6 cylinder engine and a 4-speed Hydramatic transmission. I pulled the starter out because it was not turning the flywheel to start the car. The Bendix drive assembly is broken (see picture) and I'm looking for a replacement part.
The starter has a plate with model # MCH-6109. According to the Auto-Lite catalog, the correct starter should be the MCH-6204 for a Hydramatic, not the MCH-6109 which is for non-Hydramatic transmissions. It is possible that a previous owner used a 6109 housing when restoring/repairing a 6204 starter. On Ebay a see someone is selling a rebuilt 6109 starter, it looks like the following photo.
My starter doesn't look like this. The Bendix drive looks reversed. I'd like confirmation that my starter is, in fact, a 6204 but with an incorrect model plate. Or some other model. And, looking for the correct replacement Bendix drive part.
Thank You In Advance.
The starter in the photo is for a stick shift transmission, and engages from the rear of the flywheel. The Hydramatic starter has a nose cone and engages from the front of the flywheel.
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I have those for your hydramatic. 54 coupe is correct. The pictured starter (not yours) is for a standard transmission or one with an OD. If interested let me know. Lance 704 792 911zero. (landline)
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That makes sense to me. Here's a picture with the nose cone. Thank you both!
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