50 Super oil leak

Hey all ,

My 50 finally blew out its front main , replaced it and the timing chain cover gasket . Still have a decent leak from the timing chain cover gasket, I used aviation gasket maker to seal it up (the really sticky stuff) .

Anybody with more experience have any insight into what I maybe did wrong ?

Thanks in advance



  • ratlee2
    ratlee2 Expert Adviser

    What seal did you use? I have heard that the national #450084 seal is slightly thicker and seals better, but I do not have any experience with it.

  • You might need a speedy sleeve for the crank spacer, available at Napa or a good parts store.

  • barrysweet52
    barrysweet52 Expert Adviser

    "My 50 finally blew out its front main". I was thinking...

    Is there pressure in the crankcase from worn valve guides and pistons?

    Or just a worn old timing cover seal. Good comment made above.

  • Just a worn seal, unless your road draft tube is plugged w a dead mouse it shouldn’t have hardly any pressure.

  • Thank you all

    I got it sealed up , easy job dispite how scary it seemed .

    just a 75 year old seal that decided to bite the dust , car only has 38k on the clock .

    I ordered a seal from Olsoens up in OR , not sure the number but it worked