Someone PLEASE tell me what year this Essex is...

[Deleted User]
edited November -1 in Street Rods
Howdy - it's been a long winter and I have been gathering parts ... and my latest acquisition is what appears to be a 27 Essex coupe. However, what I have in my garage already is somewhat of a mystery (please see attached photos). I've been told it was a 25-26, possibly a 29, and I think it's a 28. It definitely is NOT a 27 like the one I just brought home. Tracking down definitive info is tough. Any help or tips and tricks for identifying exactly what it is would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks ahead of time.





  • bent metal
    bent metal Senior Contributor
    I think it's a 1928. The belt line is a little higher (I think) on a '27, and just plain bigger on a '29. Whatever it is, I think you'll figure it out by the belt line.:)........That's my two cents.
  • hudsontech
    hudsontech Senior Contributor
    There's a serial number on the frame - I think it's back somewhere on the right frame rail near the back, as I recall.


    Alex Burr

    Memphis, TN
  • I sure appreciate the insight. I was told that I could tell by the beltline but have yet to find a definitive key as to what year had what.

    I will have the body off the frame this afternoon after work and will hopefully find that serial number.

    Is there a good place to cross reference that number around here?

    Thanks again.
  • ESSX28-1
    ESSX28-1 Senior Contributor
    Looks like an early 28 (series 1)
  • bent metal
    bent metal Senior Contributor
    ESSX28-1 wrote:
    Looks like an early 28 (series 1)

    You mentioned "series 1", how many series did they do in '28 and what's the difference?:)
  • ESSX28-1
    ESSX28-1 Senior Contributor
    bent metal wrote:
    You mentioned "series 1", how many series did they do in '28 and what's the difference?:)

    Series 1 & 2 only. Most obvious difference is the curve of the trunk. The Butler book photos show this well. I could scan & post the page if nec.
  • I would really appreciate it if you could scan those pages and maybe tell me what the ISBN is for the Butler book. I have squat for real references for the Essex other than word of mouth, and coming from a lot of well meaning people, I have gotten a lot of mixed information.

    I got the body off the frame yesterday and looked high and low with a wire brush for an hour and a half and couldn't find a serial number or number of any sort to save my life. Is there a sweet spot I don't know about where a number would be more apt to be? The frame has some pitting in spots where a number might once have been, but for the most part it is in great shape.

    I really appreciate the replys and thoughts from knowledgeable folks. Thank you.
  • hudsontech
    hudsontech Senior Contributor
    bent metal wrote:
    You mentioned "series 1", how many series did they do in '28 and what's the difference?:)

    During the 1920's, and into the early 30's Hudson used a 2 series system - not sure exactly why, but my theory is they used the series method to incorporate line changes, similar to what Volkswagon did with the beetle years later.

    To explain the system, let's use 1927, just out of the hat. The 1926 Series 2 models, introduced sometime in mid-year, around July of 1926, became 1927 1st series cars in either Dec. 1926 or Jan. 1927. In mid-1927 these then became 1927 Series 2 cars and then around the end of the year became 1928 Series 1 cars - and so on.

    If it's confusing to you, it drove Hudson researchers nuts for years. Whatever records were left behind did not show breakdowns re shipment figures for each series, tho serial numbers were broken down for each series. As an example the following for 1926:

    1st series - 672228 to 713809, intro'd Dec. 1, 1925

    2nd series - 713810 to 749999, intro'd Aug. 7, 1926

    NOTE: the ending number, 749999, was most likely not reached in actual production.


    Alex Burr

    Memphis, TN
  • essexcoupe3131
    essexcoupe3131 Senior Contributor
    Oh those pictures remind me of my coupe and the condition it was when I brought my her home in 84

    shes come along way since then

    what are you going to put in her

  • hudsontech
    hudsontech Senior Contributor
    In todays mail I hit the jackpot - I got a bunch of serial number info from the teens into the late 30's. Haven't bounced it against my General Info Handbook yet, but what little I've looked at seems to confirm what I have.

    Ok, here's what one sheet, covering 1924 thru 1929 says about serial number location:

    Serial number on six cylinder models on top face of rear cross member right side at spring horn.


    Alex Burr


    Memphis, TN
  • ESSX28-1
    ESSX28-1 Senior Contributor
    Sambone wrote:
    I would really appreciate it if you could scan those pages and maybe tell me what the ISBN is for the Butler book. I have squat for real references for the Essex other than word of mouth, and coming from a lot of well meaning people, I have gotten a lot of mixed information.

    I got the body off the frame yesterday and looked high and low with a wire brush for an hour and a half and couldn't find a serial number or number of any sort to save my life. Is there a sweet spot I don't know about where a number would be more apt to be? The frame has some pitting in spots where a number might once have been, but for the most part it is in great shape.

    I really appreciate the replys and thoughts from knowledgeable folks. Thank you.

    Here's a copy of the Butler book on eBay:|39%3A1|240%3A1318

    Send me your email & I'll send you a scan of the relevant page.
  • hudsontech
    hudsontech Senior Contributor
    Should have posted this URL to the Gregg Maroneys Hudson On-Line library site sooner.

    There's considerable 1927 and 1928 information there.


    Alex Burr


    Memphis, TN
  • Holy Cow! Get swept up in life for a couple days and when I check back in there's all kinds of useful information waiting for me. Thanks a lot guys! I'm going to go over that general area on the frame tonight with a fine tooth comb and a wire brush.

    Again, I really appreicate the help and encouraging words.

    The plan at this point is to make one complete coupe body cobbled together from various years and with a few possible donated body parts from other similar tin I have laying around, but for the majority, I'm trying to keep it in the Hudson family. I have a '51 308 I managed to get unstuck I'm saving up to buy a rebuild kit for that will look mighty fine between the rails.

    Again, thanks!
  • hudsontech
    hudsontech Senior Contributor
    Sambone wrote:
    , I'm trying to keep it in the Hudson family. I have a '51 308 I managed to get unstuck I'm saving up to buy a rebuild kit for that will look mighty fine between the rails.

    Again, thanks!

    Word of warning if you're planning on putting a 308 in a 28 Essex - oh, it'll work, but I'll quote a member whose Dad, years ago, put a 308 in a 1934 Hudson Coupe - "it would do anything except stop!!!!"

    My own personal experience is from putting 1953 Dodge Red Ram 241 hemi's in late 30's Dodge and Plymouth Coupes. Were I doing it today I would definitely go with disk brakes, at least in the front.

    So consider going disk brakes if you put a 308 in a '28 body. :D


    Alex Burr

    Memphis, TN
  • hudsontech wrote:
    So consider going disk brakes if you put a 308 in a '28 body. :D

    Thanks Alex ... I hear you there. That's definitely a consideration at the forefront of my mind. Going fast is great. Being able to stop is even better.
  • Hello Sam. From my very limited knowledge and research---

    It's either a '27 or a '28. Definitely not a '29. Reason is, the single narrow belt. The '29 had dual belts, one narrow the other wider, touching one another. '30-'31 had a single wider belt, no narrow one. I know that isn't much help, and I'm sure the other info on here will clarify it for you. At any rate, nice find

    I like your garage. Perley
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