Anyone Got a 46-47 gas tank?

Aaron D. IL
Aaron D. IL Senior Contributor
edited November -1 in HUDSON
I'm still trying to track down a '46-'47 gas tank with a sending unit for my '47 C8 sedan. I thinka tank from a '41-'42 will work too but I'm not sure. Apparently I am far from the only owner with a swiss cheese gas tank but I'd like to buy an original if I can. Email me at (remove the HET) :D

Thanks...Aaron D. IL


  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Aaron: Would I correctly assume that you had taken this tank to a tank restorer like Gas Tank Renu, and that they had thrown up their hands in dismay and run out the back door?
  • Aaron D. IL
    Aaron D. IL Senior Contributor
    Yes Jon exactly what happened. I could adapt a step-down tank I suppose but I would rather put in an original if possible.
  • Uncle Josh
    Uncle Josh Senior Contributor
    Take it to your local tin knocker and have him replicate it.
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