250+ parts

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Check this out.


"To start our inventory we have taken possession of a 30 year collection of Hudson, Essex and Terraplane parts. Many of these 250+ parts are New Original Stock and all are original. There is over 300 lbs of parts here. These will be added to our own collection of parts we have to offer.

We will be preparing these parts for sale on HETparts.com. I have created a preview of them from the photos that were taken during the pre-purchase review before we received them.

These parts will be sold a new way. Check out the site and give us feedback on at the website. "

You can see these preview photos at:

HETparts previewPartsGuy


  • Howdy

    Quite a collection of goodies. I see 3 or 4 parts I need. Put me on the notify list

  • Well we have been busy at inventorying the parts and getting ready to photographing them tomorrow and Sunday.

    I have posted a List of the first 115 items.

    This is our first pass on what they are and some starting value.

    Remember they will be sold for best offer so it may go down or up from our guess.

    When the pics are up you will be able to correct the descriptions and which cars they apply to. We have a few we can't identify yet. Many are being further inspected and in some cases cleaned. A real find for NOS, E and VG parts. We have about another 100 or so to go.

    Here is a link to the list and again the photos.

    If you are so inclined to play find waldo you can look through the prelim photos and find all of them.



    Remember this is a 30 year collection and we are still going through the remaining parts.
  • rambos_ride
    rambos_ride Senior Contributor
    Hmmm- I see you have trunk handles but I don't see one for a 49 Commodore Part #CB-15073

    If you have one or I missed it - please, let me know!

  • Well we spent the last two days inspecting and inventorying the first group of parts. It was great fun and lots of work. Man those part numbers are small. There is a list of 215 parts at this point. I am starting to photograph all of them, which should take a week. If you would like to see the list it is here...


    Follow the link "List"

    Remember we only human Hudsonites and I am sure we have made mistakes. So here is you chance to help us all out. If you see some information that needs correcting than please email us. When the photos are up then you can go even further and identify the ones we weren't able to or correct us again.

    As I mentioned before we are going to let the buyers set the price. So when the Database is up and running it will have a field for you to make your best offer. The price may go up or down.

    A lot of these parts are NOS or near perfect. What a pleasure to not have to have just those heavily pitted and damaged parts. When a part looked like it had never been on a car we listed it as NOS or E. Of course a 50 to 80 year old NOS part sometimes has some shelf wear. We will do our best to photo any imperfections. Please consider using HETparts.com to sell your collection so we can keep the parts coming.

    The Parts guys
  • We have put up about a third of the photos. Some of these parts are just pure art. The Essex parts and the art deco style is amazing. What a pleasure to be the steward of these parts.

    Take a look just for the eye candy. Remember to click on the product image for a large image.

    The store is at http://store.avaloncity.com

    Take a look at these beauty.
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Have you checked your website lately? Many of the photos are coming out as thin vertical lines, at least on my computer!
  • Thanks. It should be fine now. Just a little slow.

    I am working on it. Adding photos and information. Please check it again and again.
  • announcing PartsWanted at HETparts.com Check out the store we have over 115 of the photos up and we have already gotten a dozen or more offers for parts. Some of these parts are a real work of art.

    Due to the amazing response to the new HETparts.com Store we are going to add a new service for Hudson owners.


    this service is a online list-database of parts requested by owners. You can send us your information by email or postal mail and will add it to the PartsWanted list for potential sellers to review and offer you a part for sale. We will not expose your personal information on the web - just to the seller. We request a small fee from the seller if they sell the part to you.

    Send us what you need - want - can't live without. Describe the part to the best of your knowledge, year, model, serial number and a picture if you have one. Please include your Contact information - name, address and phone. Email us for now. Soon we will have a form for you to fill in. As always we welcome your feedback.

This discussion has been closed.