What Happened Here?????
Expert Adviser
What happened here. No movement for almost a week?
Ok I'll get at the question.
Has anyone ever heard of or seen 2 hudson engines coupled together?
Just throwing sh#t at the fan to see what sticks. Or has any experiance with multi engine set ups???
Tractor pullers boats or anything would help!!!
Ok I'll get at the question.
Has anyone ever heard of or seen 2 hudson engines coupled together?
Just throwing sh#t at the fan to see what sticks. Or has any experiance with multi engine set ups???
Tractor pullers boats or anything would help!!!
Helped a friend build a "Twin-min" in the mid 70's. Used 2 mini minor engines& gearboxes. Main hastle was the gear changes (& the girlfriend's claim that I'd become more octopus like than usual). I'm sure the engineering challanges could be overcome but interest in the girlfriend minimised my available time!!!0
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