Heatin' up the Winter - Car Show - Nov 22nd
Hot Rides biggest show of the year! Located in the Infield of Lowe's Motor Speedway. November 22nd, mark you
calendars now!
10 'Best of' Trophies with $50 cash prize to Best of Show.
Over 50 classes. Each class must have 3 entries to receive a trophy.
SPL contest with $20 cash prize in each class. Must have have 5 competitors in each class for cash prize.
Loudest Exhaust contest.
Club Participation Trophy with $100 cash prize to the winning club.
Gates open at 10am for car show registration. Registration ends at 2pm.
Judging starts at 11am and ends at 3pm.
SPL & exhaust contest starts at 1pm and ends at 3pm.
Awards given out by 5pm.
General Admission - $10
Car Show - $30
SPL & exhaust contest - $10
SPL & exhaust fun run - $5
unlimited SPL & exhaust - $15 includes entry to competition
Group discounts available. Just ask!
Free infield parking to the first 100 spectators. Streetwise drifting competition going on all day long, free to
watch with admission.
Map to the show on Google.
More info and updates to come.
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