Roger Harmon
Expert Adviser
Plans for my 52 Wasp 262 include a head, cam, header and intake:
Is an iron 232 head is as good as a h/c aluminum one?
I'm planning on a Maas 56 mechanical grind cam,
Probably a Clifford header.
What's my best daily-driver bet for induction: Twin H or Clifford 4 bbl?
Thanks for your input.
R/ Roger.
Plans for my 52 Wasp 262 include a head, cam, header and intake:
Is an iron 232 head is as good as a h/c aluminum one?
I'm planning on a Maas 56 mechanical grind cam,
Probably a Clifford header.
What's my best daily-driver bet for induction: Twin H or Clifford 4 bbl?
Thanks for your input.
R/ Roger.
Tried to email you back but email would not work due to a digital issue. To answer some of your question that I can rember--use the 232 head, timing chain okay but would suggest updating to true roller, go twin H.
Randy0 -
Sounds like a nice street set-up Roger. I'm no help on these flatheads or the Twin-H, but I see Randy's set you up.
My '50 Pace Coupe is going to get a dual-quad set-up, progressive linage if I can get by with that, running two quads on a 331 Hemi is going to play havoc with gas mileage! LOL0
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