Need 2 barrel carb
I don't know which year engine you have (your username would suggest that it's a 1937), but you would do well to consider using the 1942-47 WDO-501S (Carter) -- unless you're aiming for absolute authenticity. I installed one of these on my '37 model 72 many years ago and have been happy with it. Because they fit several popular years they're more plentiful than the 1937, and they are more perfected than that first-year two-barrel carb.
You will have to modify the carb slightly to make it fit your linkage. I found a junked #W1-377S carb and transferred the cross-shaft to the 501S. This is fairly easy (after all, I did it!) and otherwise you have to modify the 1937 linkage to fit the 501S.0 -
Thanks JON , yes it's a 37 , Just want anything that will work--The bolt mount pattern is 4 hole--3 X 1 5/8--not haveing much luck , at this point I'll take anything that will mount and try to fix/get it working BUD0
Got one
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