Bolt size?
37 CTS
Senior Contributor
What size bolt is used on the battery hold down plate on a Pacer?
And Course or fine threads.
My battery tray is slightly rusty and I have not been able to find a bolt that will fit. Thanks.
And Course or fine threads.
My battery tray is slightly rusty and I have not been able to find a bolt that will fit. Thanks.
Sheldon, call Danny Barnett from Las Vegas (He's in the HET roster) He has at least 4 Pacers in his stable of cars right now. I'm sure he'll be glad to help.0
there are a ton of very knowledgeable people in here to help out thank goodness0
Just pinch the front of the battery with the piece of metal that was supplied in the kit using any bolt and attaching it to the front of the mount.0
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