Let play "what is it" part one

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Ok as you probably know by now we have put up about 250 parts for sale at HETparts.com on the store. Almost all of the photos are up.

Now we have a few of the first things we aren't even sure to guess about.

First question is: Is if from a Hudson?

Second question: What is it?

Third question: What does it fit on it?

Last question: How much should we suggest it sell for?

More parts for the game coming.

A "ghost shifter" after it gets cleaned up.

You can find the store at: HETparts store

the game is afoot.


  • mars55
    mars55 Senior Contributor
    The radio is from the thirties, judging by the archaic vacuum tubes used. These types of vacuum tubes had been replaced by newer designs by the forties. Since the speaker box has a Hudson label on I would say that radio is a orginal Hudson part and not an aftermarket unit. unforunately, it is not complete. It is missing the control head. When the radio was installed in a car, the box shown and the speaker was installed on the firewall and cables and/or wires run up to the control head installed in the dash. The control head would have the volume, power and tuning controls. Also the tuning dial. Without the control head the value is low. You need to find somebody with a Hudson with a control head and no radio. Since thirties Hudsons are rare and thirties Hudsons with radios are rarer yet. It would seen unlikely that would fit anyone. I would sell it for whatever you can get for it. I would also try to find the control head in your parts pile.
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