Lead sled...
****** HUDSON Lead Sled ****** - $12 (Deland )
Date: 2010-01-19, 9:51AM EST
Reply to: sale-7qzbx-1559905818@craigslist.org
Powered by a 350 chev 350 auto many custom features has been driving for the last 23 years same owner calls only please 386-290-1247
ASKING 12,000 obo
Looks cool...
****** HUDSON Lead Sled ****** - $12 (Deland )
Date: 2010-01-19, 9:51AM EST
Reply to: sale-7qzbx-1559905818@craigslist.org
Powered by a 350 chev 350 auto many custom features has been driving for the last 23 years same owner calls only please 386-290-1247
ASKING 12,000 obo
Looks cool...
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