PA: Mustang Muscle at Montana West 7-11-10
PennMustangs will be hosting their forth annual car show on July 11th at Montana West in Quakertown, PA. Montana West is located at 1030 West End Blvd (Rt. 309) Quakertown, PA 18951 which is about 15 minutes South of Allentown and 30 minutes North of Philadelphia. This car show will include many vehicles from in and around Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. Any vehicle owner is welcome to join in on this car show as the show is open to Ford and Non-Ford vehicles although the main focus is on Ford vehicles. Plenty of awards, door prizes, random drawing prizes and more will be given away.
The first 150 pre-registered vehicles will receive commemorative dash plaques to remember this event. The club with the highest number of pre-registered cars will receive a cash prize at the event. This show will also include live DJ, 50/50 drawings, prizes, give-a-ways, awards, vendor section, food, ice cream and beverages served by Montana West and an overall good time for people who enjoy cars and meeting the people who drive them.
Few details including awards and registering online,
PennMustangs will be hosting their forth annual car show on July 11th at Montana West in Quakertown, PA. Montana West is located at 1030 West End Blvd (Rt. 309) Quakertown, PA 18951 which is about 15 minutes South of Allentown and 30 minutes North of Philadelphia. This car show will include many vehicles from in and around Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. Any vehicle owner is welcome to join in on this car show as the show is open to Ford and Non-Ford vehicles although the main focus is on Ford vehicles. Plenty of awards, door prizes, random drawing prizes and more will be given away.
The first 150 pre-registered vehicles will receive commemorative dash plaques to remember this event. The club with the highest number of pre-registered cars will receive a cash prize at the event. This show will also include live DJ, 50/50 drawings, prizes, give-a-ways, awards, vendor section, food, ice cream and beverages served by Montana West and an overall good time for people who enjoy cars and meeting the people who drive them.
Few details including awards and registering online,
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