1956 Ford Customline 4 dr for sale
I have a 1956 Ford Customline 4 dr sedan (model 73C) with 272 Y-block and Ford-O-Matic for sale for $500.00. It needs rockers, driver side floor pan, and the two rear floor pans replaced. All glass is intact. Dash is pristine. Trunk is pristine. Hood is ready for paint. I have all the chrome. Upoholstery is fair. Buyer gets $100 worth of manuals too.
Engine is disassembled for light machine work; i.e cylinder hone, crank polish and valve job. Engine was mic'ed by a retired Ford machinist and it measures stock in aspects.
I have a 1954 driver that I am putting my resources in and hence, the reason for sale.
If interested, PM me for e-mail and pics.
Engine is disassembled for light machine work; i.e cylinder hone, crank polish and valve job. Engine was mic'ed by a retired Ford machinist and it measures stock in aspects.
I have a 1954 driver that I am putting my resources in and hence, the reason for sale.
If interested, PM me for e-mail and pics.
is your car still for sale and how do I contact you0
Yes it is. Sorry, I haven't been on this site in a while.0
very nice, may wanna try craigslist also..0
This discussion has been closed.
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