47 wiper tower issues

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Hi All:
I am resoring a 47 hudson truck. Having problems keeping the chain on the wiper tower rod. When the blades are off the wipers turn fine. But once I put th blades on, the wipers on the chain pulls off. I have "tighten" the chain by moving the rod down. But does not help. The numbs were the chain adhers to are worn. I am considering using JB weld to the numbs and chain to keep them attached. Has anybody else had this problems? Any other suggestions to keep the chains on?
thanks russ


  • If chain is coming off, you might look for either good used, or NOS wiper towers. These pop up for sale every once in awhile. If you're in the Hudson club, check the WTN and try writing some of the large parts vendors who advertise there, in regards to obtaining some of the towers.
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