49C8.Com - Progress Deja Vu'

rambos_ride Senior Contributor
edited November -1 in HUDSON
A entire month has gone by since my last website update and seems like I've made even less progress than last month! Job Hunting, Being Sick, Weather (outside fabrication - aint it fun :mad: ) and Being $$ Strapped has really cut into my project time, motivation and progress!

But over the last week or so I have been able to get a couple of things rolling again...


Many of you saw the 1st stage of the patch where I used the panel clips - you'll see in the new pictures this area is completely covered up.

The Ken Amman supplied repops have approx 2" up-turned edges where the originals were flat cut on the seat edge and a 3/4 down-turn on the kick panel edge.

I decided to fudge a little and rather than trim the up-turned areas from the new panels I left them on and spot welded them in. Because I used the up-turned areas of the New Floor Pans Technically I could have just cut the rust out and used the new floor pan to butt weld in instead of the first patch - but thats how AR I am! This should actually provide more stability and rust through protection and only a Hudson purist wanting a #1 restoration would really complain since this area is covered by carpet and my repair from underneath the car looks virtually stock (next set of pictures).


The 49 Commodore Trunk Handle is unique, hard to find, and poorly designed! It always breaks at the base of the right handle which you turn and pull up to open the trunk. Since I have the trunk setup with gas shocks there is no need to pull the lid up manually so I am going to get a later model Hudson trunk trim piece to put where the trunk handle went and am going to use a Cadillac Trunk Pull Down assembly to shut the trunk with - it will open simply by remote control.

As Always LARGER pictures and descriptions posted @ http://www.49c8.com




  • Very cool with the trunk latch idea! Let us know how it goes.

  • rambos_ride
    rambos_ride Senior Contributor
    I have just found and fixed a lot of images in the Gallery->Restoration section that were duped or missing because of too many late night website edits or too many beers while doing late night website edits!

    So there's probably about a dozen+ images that are new - but nothing to revealing!

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