RevXtreme's Grand Opening Car Show, Dyno Day & Breast Cancer Drive Sat July 10th !!

edited November -1 in Events
Saturday July 10th - Grand Opening Dyno Day, Car Show, BBQ & Breast Cancer Drive at RevXtreme Performance & Engineering in Bradenton FL...

From 10am to ???? 1 acre paved parking! That’s right can go all night...

$40 for 3 pulls w/wideband. Tune and Install specials.

Build specials...

Come on out and make this cruise in destination, Get to meet the Owners and Crew of RevXtreme Performance & Engineering make great things happen!

Most Bolt on cars for $399 INCLUDES DYNO, no extra charge to rent someone else on top of the cost of tune!

Enjoy Good Food, Nice Rides, Great People and Help Fight Breast Cancer!!!

We will also have live music & an all day raffle with some really kick A$$ door prizes.

Join us in taking it to the next level, the "Xtreme performance" level.


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