want to swap restored 50 radiator for \'54 radiator
I need a 54 Hudson Hornet radiator; my "50" radiator was just bioled out, one small leak repaired
and was painted black; have the paperwork from yesterday. After picking it up I stopped by to
visit w/Billy Kemp and he discovered that it is a "50" model. So, I need a "54" radiator,
Hornet style.
any one interested in a swap, I'm going to the Natls next month; you
can email me => jgw2@bellsouth.net
John Williams
901 753-1130
and was painted black; have the paperwork from yesterday. After picking it up I stopped by to
visit w/Billy Kemp and he discovered that it is a "50" model. So, I need a "54" radiator,
Hornet style.
any one interested in a swap, I'm going to the Natls next month; you
can email me => jgw2@bellsouth.net
John Williams
901 753-1130
This discussion has been closed.
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