1965 Ambassador
Senior Contributor
Help, Help, I need the Shocks for the front of this car and need to be STD Type no Gas type
Also need the Aluminum grill that fits on the lower part of the trunklid and the to small ones that go next to the tail lights in Good shape.
Hudsonly Rudy
Also need the Aluminum grill that fits on the lower part of the trunklid and the to small ones that go next to the tail lights in Good shape.
Hudsonly Rudy
Have you tried
Blaser Auto out of Moline IL. - 309-764-3571
Ron0 -
Thanks Ron,I will give them a try. Hudsonly Rudy0
you can also post your wanted ad on the amc forum:
registration is free and there are a lot of guys that have or know of parts that are available.0 -
good luck.................0
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