1935 Terraplane Coupe Parts Wanted
Expert Adviser
Hi folks,
If any of you are rodding a 34 or 35 Hudson Terraplane coupe and are not using the wheels or drive train, I would like to buy the following items.
Drive Shaft
Interior if in good shape
There may be more as I get into my project but for now I would like to hear from you if you have the above mentioned parts for sale.
Please email Doug at the following email at5cobra@yahoo.ca and let me know your prices and contact details.
If any of you are rodding a 34 or 35 Hudson Terraplane coupe and are not using the wheels or drive train, I would like to buy the following items.
Drive Shaft
Interior if in good shape
There may be more as I get into my project but for now I would like to hear from you if you have the above mentioned parts for sale.
Please email Doug at the following email at5cobra@yahoo.ca and let me know your prices and contact details.
This discussion has been closed.
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