Radio Plate for trade or sale

edited November -1 in HUDSON
I went to send off my radio plate to get chromed today and when I removed the radio delete plate I discovered that it was the wrong radio plate. I am not sure which model hudson it is for. Here is a picture of it. I took it out of my 47 pickup but I know it is not right for it. I had already sent off the the bar on the bottom for chrome - I know it all was nickle.
I need one for a 46-47 pickup. If some one has one in good shape I would be willing to trade or I would consider a good offer.
Oh yeah tell me what it is for if you know.



  • Mike, That one is '42. My dad, Perry Spring, Has the one you need and I'm sure he would trade wih you, as he has a '42 Woodie. His phone number is 909 460 0736

  • Done Deal. Glad to see it go to a worhy cause. thanks Dany
  • gosh.. a 42 woody... that's got to be rare....
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