Want a chance to attend the 2010 SEMA Show?
For all serious car, truck and motorsports enthusiasts - if you ever wanted to attend the SEMA Show but couldn’t because you didn’t work in the industry, here’s your chance to experience one of the coolest and most exclusive automotive events firsthand. As the SEMA Show is a trade-only event and not open to the general public, this is truly a unique opportunity for a lucky few.
SEMA is looking for a handful of participants for a market research project at the 2010 SEMA Show on Friday, November 5th only. If you’re a die-hard enthusiast and active in social media, auto forums, car clubs, events, etc., we encourage you to apply for the program.
Link is at https://www.compusystems.com/servlet/ar?evt_uid=3274
Space is limited so please act now.
SEMA is looking for a handful of participants for a market research project at the 2010 SEMA Show on Friday, November 5th only. If you’re a die-hard enthusiast and active in social media, auto forums, car clubs, events, etc., we encourage you to apply for the program.
Link is at https://www.compusystems.com/servlet/ar?evt_uid=3274
Space is limited so please act now.
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