Coatings for intake, exhaust and exhaust splitter
Well folks, I'm packaging my said parts for shipment to
Jett Hott Coatings, Pascagoula, MS. The intake will be
coated on the outside, cast iron gray; the exhaust
manifold will be coated externally/internally w/matte
black; and, the dual exh splitter will be coated same as
the exh manifold. 1-800-432-3379 Todd Beiswenger
is the contact. I'll keep you guys posted after we get
it running.
Jett Hott Coatings, Pascagoula, MS. The intake will be
coated on the outside, cast iron gray; the exhaust
manifold will be coated externally/internally w/matte
black; and, the dual exh splitter will be coated same as
the exh manifold. 1-800-432-3379 Todd Beiswenger
is the contact. I'll keep you guys posted after we get
it running.
This discussion has been closed.
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