Happy Veterans Day!

[Deleted User]
edited November -1 in HUDSON
I know there are alot of veterans on this forum including myself. I thank each and everyone of you for making and keeping America free. God bless America and God Bless the United States Marine Corp! Semper Fi, Niels


  • And remember Niels - it was the Coast Guard that hauled the Marines into, and out of, danger!!! LOL And happy to do it.

    Simply Forgot Us (Coast Guard unofficial motto)


    Alex B
  • I didn't forget you, but thank you for the lift! We are all brothers in battle... Niels
  • Happy Veteran's Day, brothers!
  • Today continues the simple idea of remembering ... assuring freedom requires sacrifice. These are difficult times for military families, particularly in light of those who vigorously attempt undermine our national security, and demean military service. It is worth remembering these timeless words John Stuart Mill: "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse."

    I add my note to those who proceeded me in graditude and thanks to those who have,are and will continue to carry the burden of assuring America continues to be the land of the free. God Bless all of you.
  • super651
    super651 Senior Contributor
    Thanks to All Of You for Serving Our Country as I Did.

    Hudsonly Rudy.
  • Happy Veteran's Day to all who served the High and Mighty, the US of A.

    John G Williams

    545th Military Police,

    1st Air Cavalry Division,

    US Army

    Republic of Viet-Nam

  • rambos_ride
    rambos_ride Senior Contributor
    Yes, THANK YOU! It's not enough but thank you! - To all of the veterans who have served and those veterans still serving and all others in the armed forces now.


    It's because of you and your families sacrifices that have keep our country free and that allow average Americans like me to enjoy the freedoms we have. Freedoms that have come at such a high price for you all personally.

    Dan & Rambo
  • harry54
    harry54 Senior Contributor
    Thank you to all Vetrerans for all that you did and all that you still do. Standing this morning at Service on the Town Green of Ridgefield Ct. I could not help but swell up as Perspective over come all. It is truly a gift to be a part of the Nation.
  • A really big thanks to those who fought for this country, our rights and to keep this country free. If it wasent for your sacrifices we wouldent be here typing on this forum or driving our Hudsons or living as we Do thanks

    Aaron Hallsten

    Juinor In High S.
  • Thanks to ALL Veterans, No matter what branch of service, no matter when, The fact that you served your country means alot.


    Bob Hickson

    SSgt. USAF

    Now a civilian, but still proud to have worn the uniform.
  • I would like to go along with everyone who has writen It was special to hear that from so many. I did my time but it wasn't in battle but after watching a lot of the history channel I am more thankful every day for those that did including my grandpaw, my dad and my uncle. I'm only 65 and missed a lot of it. Will.
  • I would like to go along with everyone who has writen It was special to hear that from so many. I did my time but it wasn't in battle but after watching a lot of the history channel I am more thankful every day for those that did including my grandpaw, my dad and my uncle. I'm only 65 and missed a lot of it. Will.
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    We owe much to all who have served their country in military service. We should remember today those who risked their lives in battle, those who returned home wounded....and especially those who never returned.
  • My wife reminded me to mention that I have two sons that served and a grandson who is in his 7th month in Iraq, after I told her of these posts. BILL ALBRIGHT
  • Uncle Josh
    Uncle Josh Senior Contributor
    Sp6 CRAMER ER12470784. 330th DPU Proud to have served including Berlin Crisis

    Yesterday, an old Coast Guard Veteran and I rescued a 39 Hudson Country Club veteran. Floor shift, Electric Hand, and all 3 grills intact.
  • 7XPacemaker
    7XPacemaker Senior Contributor
    It is important to remember all of those who served and are serving- the ones that came home, and the ones who didn't. Blood was spilled to preserve and maintain our freedoms. As the phrase goes " FREEDOM IS NOT FREE. "

    C.J. Czolba

    Aviation mechanic, 3rd class, U.S. Navy

    Operation Restore Hope (Somalia)

    Operation Provide Promise (Bosnia)
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