About this Forum
I asked the website administrators to set this sub-forum up for those of us who want to discuss modified hudsons. A place for us to share ideas, questions, and the like. I am beginning to see some harsh critizism starting and I think it should be "nipped-in-the-bud."
It is perfectly okay to have a different opinion/idea on anyone's car, but lets try to be civil about our comments. I am by no means thin-skinned, just trying to keep our forum on the upbeat side, unlike some of the comments you get on other forums.
So lets just have fun folks and enjoy everybody's machines without name calling. There is alot of you great people out there that are making this forum cool to participate in!
Jay "the rail"
But Its A Dry Heat, AZ
It is perfectly okay to have a different opinion/idea on anyone's car, but lets try to be civil about our comments. I am by no means thin-skinned, just trying to keep our forum on the upbeat side, unlike some of the comments you get on other forums.
So lets just have fun folks and enjoy everybody's machines without name calling. There is alot of you great people out there that are making this forum cool to participate in!
Jay "the rail"
But Its A Dry Heat, AZ
Hey Guys calm down. It's really great to have a sub-forum dedicated to us "out of the boxers". The name of the game is to have fun tinkering with our beloved Hudsons with some of our kindred spirits and sharing ideas. Being a professional Artist I know that art comes in ALL forms and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As far as modifying our Hudsons, there are some that are not my particular taste but I try to gleen some of the ideas that were used in each of these creations for my own car.
Chaz0 -
I won't re-hash my comments on this thread but I think my comments in response on "Pauls Custom" warrants a link here at least
http://www.classiccar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39590 -
This site is for all Rods is it not?0
Just like to get my $.02 cents worth in, and in the defense of street-rodders/hot-rodders, many of these vehicles are saved from the crushers when they are modernized and in addition, many hard to find parts are re-cycled into the restorer hobby.
U go dude.0
To Jay and the administrators,
So why in the world didn't the administrators title the sub-forum "Modified Hudsons"? After all it has to do only with Hudsons and it is a sub-forum under HUDSONS. AND, the word Modified covers ALL sorts of Hudsons from 12-volt conversions to you name your favorite kind.
Chaz0 -
There should be a forum for all Rods. 'cause a lot of folks just don't think hudson's make good collectibles, much less Hot Rods.0
They don't need to visit here, then!0
Well, I like this site and the other one, too. I am definately not new to hot rodding, having my first car in 1962. A 1934 Ford fordor. Owned every Chevy from 1935-40, then '49 - '67, a '40 Ford Pickup, '58 Buick, '63 Riviera, '66 ChevyII SS L-71, '57 Corvette, 4 or 5 Caddys and a bunch of others I forgot about. My first experience with a Hudson was thru an old friend of mine that is ill and had 3 of them. He called me to see if I was interested in them, went and looked them over and sorta fell in love with them all. Until then, Hudsons were not even in my picture, as I was into the '49-'54 Chevy range. He offered me a real good deal, and they began to look better each time until I finally bought them all. The '50 Pacemaker is a shell, the '50 Commodore is, too, but the '53 Hornet is all stock and complete, just real rough.
Yesterday, I found a 1950 Chevy "torpedo" and bought that! So, here I go again, off on another project.
I may soon have some Commodore body parts and such for sale, as its just too far gone. Hope to have something rolling by next summer
There's room for everybody, restorer, rodder, mild to wild customs, etc. I even like flathead Fords
This discussion has been closed.
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