Kumeu hot Rod Show
Senior Contributor
Hi all, been talking to the organizers of the show a couple months ago
and I Get a email this morning to say the the old girl is going into the main shed at the show
Its always been my dream and I have no expectations of any thing but it will give me a chance to Fly the Essex/Hudson Club here and use the banner I brought
This would be the biggest show (number of Cars) in Auckland each year
they get approx 60,000 people through over the 3 days
and I Get a email this morning to say the the old girl is going into the main shed at the show
Its always been my dream and I have no expectations of any thing but it will give me a chance to Fly the Essex/Hudson Club here and use the banner I brought
This would be the biggest show (number of Cars) in Auckland each year
they get approx 60,000 people through over the 3 days
Congratulations. I hope you have a great time and it's all you expect it to be.
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