Header Options
Roger Harmon
Expert Adviser
What are my options for a SWB 262 single-outlet header?
R/ Roger.
What are my options for a SWB 262 single-outlet header?
R/ Roger.
Roger, Try Clifford 6=8, also a couple of club members are making them on request. Do a subject search. There should be several topics on here. They are out there, not cheap, especially on a fixed income, but they are available. Also as an alternative check with (I think it is) Bob Parks, as he is reproducing the 7X split exhaust manifold extension.
Happy Hunting,
bob Hickson0 -
Bob thanks for putting the info out, we missed his request, must have been snowed in or sleeping.
Roger thanks for asking. Below is some info we recently passed to another inquiry about the dual outlet exhaust manifold adapter and parts.
The current prices of the adapter is $175, the 3/8 in plate (with matching holes) will be $15, the upper gasket(from Dales) $8(his price), the lower gasket "without holes"(Felpro material) $5 (sufficient enough material to practice with). We can provide pictures of the pipes attached to the lower plate for your info which demonstrates how we made them to be installed on our 49SS.
You will be happier if you decide to install new motor mounts and use a new or almost new transmission mount. We did and had enough clearance to install the adapter(gets close to the grease fitting top of the A arm). Recommendation supplied by Doctor Doug.
If you arent in a big rush, I would consider installing your adapter without mufflers and see how loud they are, they can be cut and fitted in later. Just a suggestion.
One adapter kit, $175 + $15 +$8 +$5=$203 +shipping $12 = Total $215 USA only, Thanks
Bob Parks, 201 Westview Drive, Florence, Alabama 35633-7119
AND be sure to remove the exhaust damper plate in the bottom of the exhaust manifold, we leave the rod and use a Dremel tool to cut the plate out. Easier to install and fit if you remove the manifolds. If you have time, adjust the valves too. Bob
For pics email to hetpbebop@gmail.com drop the het0
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