'48 Commodore Available Near Victorville CA

[Deleted User]
edited November -1 in HUDSON
Our chapter received the following email on Jan 16:

Subject: Fw: 1948 Hudson Commodore for sale

My mother, Mary Adams and her husband James Adams belonged to an H-E-T club in the early to late nineties, they lived in the Diamond Bar and Silver Lakes area. She recently passed away. Mary had been trying to sell their 1948 Hudson Commodore for quite a while but was never offered her price. The car, Miss Daisy as my mother called it, was at one time restored to a condition where they won a prize at a car show. Now it has been sitting outside in Helendale CA and needs work, but has potential. If you know someone in your club interested in buying this car, please forward my email to them.

Thanks, Ben Leon
Ben's email is HETben_leon@yahoo.com (drop the HET) Good luck!
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