'51 Lead Sled on CL
What do you guys think of this job?
Kinda funky--looks like it gave birth to this chopped Jet that has been for sale forever in California:
Kinda funky--looks like it gave birth to this chopped Jet that has been for sale forever in California:
Wish there was a better view of the front and back, I like the Caddy nose bullets and would like to see how the back was done. But, the chop and drop is a little much for my taste.0
Agreed....would love to get up close and personal with this and see how it was done, but I feel the same.....the chop is a little on the extreme side. BUT I love how low it is!!! What's the big black thing on the hood?? Is that just paint, or some kind of scoop??0
Now on eBay with better pictures...
Wild!0 -
I like it. Bumpers look great on this car. I think that the Cordoba headlamp rings are a bit large though, gives it an owl look. Something's up with the hood though, wrong hood and grille mixture. It would be fun to finish.0
- Fun to finsh yes, but 18K starting bid- ouch. Another 20K you could have a 25K car... Looks like alot of stuff needs to be finsihed (interior glass, paint, chrome etc)0
Agreed, way too much for an unfinshed car. It's not even on a Hudson frame.0
great to see something outside the square luv the bumpersB)0
Bidding ended. Sold $18,000.0
Wow.....18 large....and this guy was going to trade it for a VW or something???0
This discussion has been closed.
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