Building a Salt Flats Racer



  • schillaz
    schillaz Expert Adviser
    85 mph hu???? your crazy........i like it.
  • bent metal
    bent metal Senior Contributor
    Cool project. More pictures!
  • Browniepetersen
    Browniepetersen Senior Contributor
    Gee Bent, what else is there to take a picture off? It is just a 30 Model A. I'll get a photo or two when we get to the Salt Flats in September. By the way, the build took just 4 weeks and other than the airplane belly tank, that my friend bought, all the parts were around the shop. I call this a neat hot rod on a budget. I think that this is what Glen Johnson did a few years ago with his Essex?
  • bent metal
    bent metal Senior Contributor
    Gee Bent, what else is there to take a picture off? It is just a 30 Model A. I'll get a photo or two when we get to the Salt Flats in September. By the way, the build took just 4 weeks and other than the airplane belly tank, that my friend bought, all the parts were around the shop. I call this a neat hot rod on a budget. I think that this is what Glen Johnson did a few years ago with his Essex?

    Sorry, guess I just can't get enough of it.:blush::)
  • Browniepetersen
    Browniepetersen Senior Contributor
    I understand. I get a kick out of it every time I check it out--even thou is is a Ford. You should plan to make it out to the Bonneville Salt Flats in September. There are always a bunch of these types of racers out there. There is a fellow Hudson nut that brings his racer out every year. Holds a dozen or more records with it....
  • essexcoupe3131
    essexcoupe3131 Senior Contributor
    I understand. I get a kick out of it every time I check it out--even thou is is a Ford. You should plan to make it out to the Bonneville Salt Flats in September. There are always a bunch of these types of racers out there. There is a fellow Hudson nut that brings his racer out every year. Holds a dozen or more records with it....

    a very cool project, it must make some people swivel neck when they see her coming, I had some cool body art put on the coupe but the artist tried to charge me $1800-00 for it and had quoted me $800-00
    he told me if I didn't appreciate his art I shouldn't have it and sanded it off
    his loss but will get it redone 1 day

  • Lee ODell
    Lee ODell Senior Contributor
    Hey Brownie, how about cruising on down to the Western Regional in that cool car. You would get plenty of thums up on the trip. Don't forget the leather helmet and goggles.

    Have a good day.
    Lee O'Dell
  • Browniepetersen
    Browniepetersen Senior Contributor
    Now, there's an idea. Perhaps Laughlin in the fall....
  • Browniepetersen
    Browniepetersen Senior Contributor
    Today was our first social event for the old cars so we loaded up the Salt Flats Racer on the trailer and headed for Salt Lake City and the Rocky Mountain Raceway Park for the annual Break out Breakfast. The temp was just above 33 deg and a light snow on the grass. We pulled in and unloaded the racer and took a quick lap and found a parking place. It was cold but a fun day. Just as we were leaving they called our name for the Best of Show trophy. It was a bit of a shock, but the host on the loud speaker remarked that no car at the show had initated such interest... As I said before, cold, but a fun day... Mike, owner of the Salt Flats Racer was proud as punch.
  • essexcoupe3131
    essexcoupe3131 Senior Contributor
    well done Brownie and Mike would have be over the moon,
    a pat on the back for you both and a strong hot toddy

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