35 Hudson
35 Hudson
It looks as though I am going to be swaping into this 4 door sedan. It has 4 suicide doors and has part of an 8 cylinder engine. It has a small hump back trunk that is part of the body.
Interesting front door window mechanisms, You Hudson guys will no doubt know what I am refering to.
The seats are there as well as the inside window garnish ect.
It has mechnical brakes, straight axel, and what looks like an electric shifting mechanism.
If there would be any interest in this car I would be inclined to sell it outright.
It is in kind of a dark garage so I could not get real good looks at it, but it is a very nice art deco style body with very little rust and very few dents. I am told that it has been inside for 40 years or so and from the dust I would not dispute this. I dont think that all 40 years was in the same place as you can tell from the pics.
It looks like it was partly dissassembled and then all of the parts put inside then put into storage.
I dont have it yet, but if there is an interest in it I will go get it. The current owner wants what I have and wants to do this trade.
If no one wants it then I expect it will get upgraded suspension and a Hemi. Then there will be original parts for sale.
Located in NW Oregon.
It looks as though I am going to be swaping into this 4 door sedan. It has 4 suicide doors and has part of an 8 cylinder engine. It has a small hump back trunk that is part of the body.
Interesting front door window mechanisms, You Hudson guys will no doubt know what I am refering to.
The seats are there as well as the inside window garnish ect.
It has mechnical brakes, straight axel, and what looks like an electric shifting mechanism.
If there would be any interest in this car I would be inclined to sell it outright.
It is in kind of a dark garage so I could not get real good looks at it, but it is a very nice art deco style body with very little rust and very few dents. I am told that it has been inside for 40 years or so and from the dust I would not dispute this. I dont think that all 40 years was in the same place as you can tell from the pics.
It looks like it was partly dissassembled and then all of the parts put inside then put into storage.
I dont have it yet, but if there is an interest in it I will go get it. The current owner wants what I have and wants to do this trade.
If no one wants it then I expect it will get upgraded suspension and a Hemi. Then there will be original parts for sale.
Located in NW Oregon.
You should put this on the regular hudson forum, the car looks like a very good candidate for a restoration from the pictures. Some people do not look at the street rod section of Hudson for some strange reason. It would also make a great street rod, and I like the idea of a hudson with a Hemi.0
Can someone tell me if there is a hidden vin on this car? Someone told me maybe on the front axle, That doesnt sound right to me although I have not looked yet. Any other place I should look?
Thanks for any help.0 -
During that era the normal place for the serial number was on a plate on the front passenger door post (windshield). Hudson also stamped the same serial number on the rear axle (along the top, on the passenger's side) also on the frame rail in the vicinity of the front axle (again, on the passenger's side).
By the way, you have this message posted in the Hot Rod section of the Hudson Forum -- you might want to move it down to the "regular" Hudson forum, for greater readership.0 -
In 1935 the VIN was stamped in several places (in addition to the VIN Plate on the firewall). Both the front axle and rear differential housing should be stamped if they're original to the car. Also on the front frame, top, passengers side near the fuel pump. The forth VIN marking in on the rear frame on the channel that runs across the back (above the tail pipe). You will have to remove the rear splash pan to see the VIN in this spot.0
1934_Hudson_8_Conv wrote:In 1935 the VIN was stamped in several places (in addition to the VIN Plate on the firewall). Both the front axle and rear differential housing should be stamped if they're original to the car. Also on the front frame, top, passengers side near the fuel pump. The forth VIN marking in on the rear frame on the channel that runs across the back (above the tail pipe). You will have to remove the rear splash pan to see the VIN in this sp
That's 1 awesome looking convertible, you must be very proud of it
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