Looking for a picture...
Senior Contributor
Hey guys,
I'm looking for a picture of a car I remember from the 93 Nationals in Sacramento. It was a black 46 or 47, chopped, sectioned, lowered. Maybe a coupe. I had pictures of it but since I've gone to digital I can't seem to remember where the real pictures went.
I picked up a 41 Traveler Sedan, and was possibly thinking about going custom with it, but would like to see as many pictures as I can to see my options.
I'm looking for a picture of a car I remember from the 93 Nationals in Sacramento. It was a black 46 or 47, chopped, sectioned, lowered. Maybe a coupe. I had pictures of it but since I've gone to digital I can't seem to remember where the real pictures went.
I picked up a 41 Traveler Sedan, and was possibly thinking about going custom with it, but would like to see as many pictures as I can to see my options.
Sectioned '47 Hudson
back at '93 Nationals curtesy of Butch Smith.(In Picture) Wonder where that Beauty is today......
Ps, Butch is only 5'9"0 -
My personal favorite
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