National Battery Logo

[Deleted User]
edited April 2011 in HUDSON
I just put an optima battery in my 37 Terraplane, mounted in a case. These cases have a recessed area for the battery makers sticker. I have been searching the web for 2 weeks now trying to find the National Standard Battery logo (which I realize is cast into the case) to no avail. I found a picture of the later Hudson Logo'd batteries by National, but not the actual National Logo. Geez, I even spend a Sunday on Google Books looking for advertisement of National Battery.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?


  • RonS
    RonS Senior Contributor
    Years ago my wife took a copy of a picture, scanned it into the computer and designed a logo for the round DELCO logo. This, of course would rquire a picture. Antique auto battery in Ohio sells stickers for Delco, Willard & others. Try calling them. I have never seen a National for sale. Also try Paul Schuster.
  • I know this is an old thread, but I took a look on the US Patent & Trademark Office and saw that National Battery registered a word mark back in 1930 (now abandoned).  The registration certificate, which includes the word mark graphic, states that the trademark would be applied or affixed to the merchandise (i.e., electric battery).  Perhaps someone could use this to make the National sticker.

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