Quality Control Sample form
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I'm selling excess material from the Hudson Historical Society. We have about 50 bright orange Quality Control Sample peal off sticky labels AM 2287 Rev 1-76. Size aprx 6x4 inches. The coolest thing is about them is the list of 7 plants and addresses, number 8 is "Other." These were used for random QC samples or to send failures back to the source. It was near the end but AMC was still trying. Five for $10 cash and a Stamped Self Addressed Envelope. I travel a lot but everything should be moved in a few days to 2-3 weeks.
DJ Kava
1755 Bandera
Beaumont, TX 77706
409 892-7958 no machine
DJ Kava
1755 Bandera
Beaumont, TX 77706
409 892-7958 no machine
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