1947 Hudson Commodore 8 sedan Parts needed
Ok this is another call for some 1947 Commodore 8 sedan parts. If anyone has these
items for sale or know who does have them at a reasonable price please email me at:
1 pair of windshield wiper arms (I have the blades)
1 pair of bumperettes for the front bumper
1 pair of chrome headlight trim rings that are not pitted badly.
1 Horn button trim ring (beauty ring) for the steering wheel.
1 radio antenna that isn't busted.
a complete set of trim retainers and clips for all the trim on the body. OR
anyone who has a group parts catalog for '47 that can identify these clips
and retainers and what they are and where they go so I can match them up and find
them through another source I found.
Thanks all for your help
Aaron Del Monaco EMAIL: ad19789@hotmail.com
items for sale or know who does have them at a reasonable price please email me at:
1 pair of windshield wiper arms (I have the blades)
1 pair of bumperettes for the front bumper
1 pair of chrome headlight trim rings that are not pitted badly.
1 Horn button trim ring (beauty ring) for the steering wheel.
1 radio antenna that isn't busted.
a complete set of trim retainers and clips for all the trim on the body. OR
anyone who has a group parts catalog for '47 that can identify these clips
and retainers and what they are and where they go so I can match them up and find
them through another source I found.
Thanks all for your help
Aaron Del Monaco EMAIL: ad19789@hotmail.com
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