Parts for Pittsburg
Since I am bringing 2 Hudson cars out to Pittsburg I will have to be selective on bigger swap parts I bring.
If anyone is looking for the following let me know and I make sure to bring it:
54 hollywood back glass tinted
Front and rear 1956 bumpers with guards; dent free (driver quality chrome)
308 single intake/exhaust manifold (no cracks)
Below is a few items that will be brought for sure:
700 R4 adapter plate kits with demonstration to show how they go together.
Center steering kits.
Electronic ignitions
True Roller Timing chain kits
email is russ or randy
Since I am bringing 2 Hudson cars out to Pittsburg I will have to be selective on bigger swap parts I bring.
If anyone is looking for the following let me know and I make sure to bring it:
54 hollywood back glass tinted
Front and rear 1956 bumpers with guards; dent free (driver quality chrome)
308 single intake/exhaust manifold (no cracks)
Below is a few items that will be brought for sure:
700 R4 adapter plate kits with demonstration to show how they go together.
Center steering kits.
Electronic ignitions
True Roller Timing chain kits
email is russ or randy
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