Bodies for sale!!!

hudsontech Senior Contributor
edited November -1 in HUDSON
No, no, no - not dead bodies - jeeezzzz Louise!!! Fellow name of Mike Smith in Auburn, ME, called me yesterday. Seems he has 4 1934-1935 Hudson bodies he would like to find a home for.

2 - 1934 Coach bodies;

1 - 1934 Sedan body, on frame, with trunk;

1 - 1935 Sedan body, with trunk.

He also has a couple hoods, some other odds and ends and what may be a 1933 grille.

He's asking $1,000 for the whole lot. Sounds reasonable to me - if the sedans have doors, there's a couple hundred each for the doors alone, I should think.

And that's all I know about it - his number is (207) 786-4795. I did forget to ask him best time to call, but probably after 5pm.


Alex B
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