Back together for now
Nice to see an other 31 back together
more pics
Mike0 -
Ya got the steering wheel on the wrong side you
assembled it wrong LOL
Mike0 -
I have driven a few cars with the steering wheel on the right. And every time I turn left, it feels like I'm gonna flip over. Weird huh?
Mike0 -
essex supersix wrote:I have driven a few cars with the steering wheel on the right. And every time I turn left, it feels like I'm gonna flip over. Weird huh?
Hahaha!:) My '24 has the steering wheel on the wrong side, the right. The first time I turned out to get on the road I felt like the other side of the car was sticking out into on coming traffic.
Very odd feeling.0 -
LOL its like the water in our sinks turn 1 way when its going down the waste hole and you guys water turns the other way
Don,t know about you Americans always different LOL
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