Hello guys,
I've visited the Essen Motor Show in Germany and there I've found these very very cool custom cars. I just took some pictures, and later at home I tried to find out which car model is (was) it actually? I couldnt I tried the "picture search" on google with keywords like "american car 1950 models" but still couldnt find out which car models are these absolutely cool automobiles? Was it a Packard, Chrysler or Caddilac?
Can anybody help me? I find these cars absolutely cool and I really need to know what car was the basic for the custom work? Can you help me?
Sorry for my english
I've visited the Essen Motor Show in Germany and there I've found these very very cool custom cars. I just took some pictures, and later at home I tried to find out which car model is (was) it actually? I couldnt I tried the "picture search" on google with keywords like "american car 1950 models" but still couldnt find out which car models are these absolutely cool automobiles? Was it a Packard, Chrysler or Caddilac?
Can anybody help me? I find these cars absolutely cool and I really need to know what car was the basic for the custom work? Can you help me?
Sorry for my english
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