Can you update a Hudson tranny to regular clutch?

[Deleted User]
edited November -1 in Street Rods
I expect I will catch a ration of shit for even asking this, but the only stupid question is the one you don't ask.
I got to talking to a friend about what little I know about Hudson transmissions and he had never heard of the cork clutch.
I explained that this was one of the reasons I was searching for an alternate transmission to mate to my 308 for my project as I have been told from numerous Hudson folks that these are fickle and easy to destroy in uneducated hands (or feet on pedals in this case).
He was wondering if one could adapt a more common/modern clutch assembly to the Hudson transmission and just forgo the cork clutch altogether.
It got my wheels turning. Has this been done? Would anyone even bother? Are there other things to consider?
Thanks ahead of time for your constructive thoughts and advice.


  • The attached pictures are of a Hudson powered by a 308 and running a dry clutch. This car has made consecutive appearances at the LONE STAR ROUND UP hosted in Austin Texas (2010 and 2011). The owner lives in the middle part of Florida and drives round trip to and from the LSRU. If you check back on the Hot Rod and regular part of the Hudson formum you will find more discussion about this conversion.

  • It's funny you should post that car as I tracked down the owner and had a great conversation with him - super nice guy and very open and informative.

    He is running a Muncie transmission I believe (although now that I'm thinking about it it may be a T-F) . He gave me the stats and I wrote them down and have misplaced that notebook (figures). He even gave me the contact of the outfit that made the adapter plate.

    I have been intending to pretty much follow his advice to the letter and seek out a more robust modern transmission but you know how curiosity can be.

    I'm 99.9% sure it's the same car...
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