7/6 post in re auction update
check prior post for cars offered. I asked for specifics about the 7 Hudsons but only got this: "100 cars, 30 stored inside = 'restoration specials' (which inc. several '50s Corvettes, Chevvy converts, & at least 1 Nomad); outside = 'above salvage cars' (think they meant "above average"), some parts, some restorable. 80% have titles, rest sold with bill of sale". The whole back back of last OCW had pics of some.
This auction inc. '37 T PU, Hornet cp., "52 convertible", a Hollywood, & several other Hudsons.
This auction inc. '37 T PU, Hornet cp., "52 convertible", a Hollywood, & several other Hudsons.
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