'47 Custom Hud Pickup on eBay
WOW...just WOW.
As the Beatles once sang "it's a clean machine."
As the Beatles once sang "it's a clean machine."
If Hudson was building trucks today , would that be thier Retro ?0
At today's prices, you couldn't build that for less than $100,000- wonder what the reserve is? Just gorgeous, and everything done first class.0
Come on Lotto
as you said super clean and in yellow lol0 -
Holy COW......can't imagine the time invested in this one. Love that quick-change set-up!!0
I saw this truck in person at one of the big shows out here. Grand National Roadster show, maybe? It was outstanding! Flawless.0
John- have not seen Haddons rig- Oak Harbor is probably a little far afield for him to display at shows down here (Chehalis area).
Watched the video- the $100,000 figure is out the window, at least if professionally built. And whether he got paid or not, the guy who built that is certainly a professional.0 -
Even if it looks great, I would prefer it to be original...0
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