Any Cars?
Define cheap. Cheap these days is $10K.0
I have a 65 Corvair 500 that i'll let go for $3000.
Needs some work, but runs and drives and looks good.0 -
65 Buick Skylark Convertable/with 350Chev/3sd auto/needs restoreing0
I have a 34 Terraplane for sale. Check out this link. -
I've got a '65 Ford F250 that I'll sell for $1,000.0
know of a 1963 thunderbird thats rock solid and should be drivable for under $4000, also a 60's mercury montclaire for $3000 with a SPOTLESS 390 2v engine, another solid body too. also know of a 1956 oldsmobile that starts on the key for $1000 !!! needs brakeline and MUCH body work but all there. can ge tmore info on any of these if anyones interested.0
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