17th Annual Branson Orphan Car Show
I was contacted by the hosts of this event today. It's for orphan cars manufactured 1975 or before. They've had some HET cars before, so I thought it might be of interest if you're somewhere nearby, or in need of an early September road trip.
They also have a commitment from the owner of Tucker no. 17 to be at the show.
All the details at http://www.classiccar.com/#!events/id-412/now-2012-09-07
They also have a commitment from the owner of Tucker no. 17 to be at the show.
All the details at http://www.classiccar.com/#!events/id-412/now-2012-09-07
thanks for posting this. i always forget about this show and it's only about 35 miles away from me!0
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