Hudsons in Labor Day Auctions!



  • Don't worry guys, I'm not "insalted" hahaha (come on I live in New Jersey the insults here start the second I walk out the door each morning). I will just adjust my slang accordingly ;)
    Guys of my gen do really love the Hudsons though, even the '57s! I've only had my '46 for amonth and a half, but every time i have my garage doors open, random people pull up and stop and want to talk about it...last weekend even a couple guys from South Africa stopped and were all over it.
    Sorry that I never met John, this guy sounds like a real character!
  • MikeWA
    MikeWA Senior Contributor
    I wasn't aware of the "newspeak" slang either, Brownie, and didn't know what to make of it. But come to think of it, other slang terms from times past come to mind, that could be taken as insulting to one not familiar with them: bad, bad-ass, bitchin', "the bomb".

    I never met John either, and enjoyed the anecdotes. But to my way of thinking, cussing a guy out over a tie clasp kind of crosses the line past "colorful".

    And thanks, carsofchaos, for recognizing your "audience" on here- we're mostly geezers, and aren't "up" on most anything in the pop culture!
  • essexcoupe3131
    essexcoupe3131 Senior Contributor
    :)) :)) :-\"
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