Old Posts How do I get There

drivergo2 Expert Adviser
edited June 2013 in HUDSON
How do i get to my old posts , I get one page butno futher?? Thanks John PS I lost my notes, That why i need them.


  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    John, here is how I would look for any back posts that you had started:

    1. Click on your "green name" (drivergo2) next to any post you had made.

    2. In the resulting page that opens, click on the green "discussions" tab just below and to the right of your name in large type (and next to "activity")

    3. This opens up a page listing all the discussions you were in (actually, I think the discussions you started). At the bottom of the page, click on MORE DISCUSSIONS to open the next page's list of discussions.

    I assume anyone can open up a similar list to see anyone else's discussions, but since I have moderator status, maybe only I can?
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