254 Aluminum Intake

kamzack Senior Contributor
edited June 2013 in HUDSON

I recently traded for a 254 intake and exhaust manifold and discovered the intake is aluminum. Are they very common? Are they difficult to seal? I'm thrilled to have and use it for the heat and weight advantages. Having the exhaust manifold stripped, so by the time it comes back, I hope to have it smoothed and polished. Intake came from a Stepdown 254.
Thanks for letting me share,


  • Kim, They are unusual but not rare. Sounds like semantics but if I wanted to locate one right now., I could lay my hands on one about 40 miles from where I live. It was an option from 48-52. Glad you're happy to have it.
  • hudsn47
    hudsn47 Senior Contributor
    The intake on my 47 C8 is aluminum. Some years ago I had a stuck valve and it backfired and blew the bottom out of the intake. Seems the aluminum wears thin directly below the carb. I knew of a guy who had welded a Lawn Boy aluminum deck for me and he welded a aluminum plate to the underside to properly fix the weak area.
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