Tailgate hinges (addendum to prev.post)

Uncle Josh
Uncle Josh Senior Contributor
edited October 2013 in HUDSON
A pic tour in the woods found that my Hudson had the pipe in the tailgate. One pipe was 7/8 inch dia and one was 1 inch. (Hey it's been 67 years and who knows how many farmers fixed them.) The Hudson hinge is made of sheet metal measuring .076 thick. Not nearly rugged enough in my opinion and of the several I have, are all torn up to some degree.

The Jeep has the pipe in the hinge measuring an inch and 1/16. (seamless steel tubing) They are advertized by
http://www.thejeepsterman.com/shopdisplayproducts.asp?Search=Yes for $30 Same as the ones on my 62.

A good rugged one can be made with a 1/8 plate with bolt holes welded to a 1 in black pipe elbow which measures 1.049 inside. You could either put a 3/4 black pipe (1.050) in it to rotate with a little reaming, or screw a 1 inch pipe in it for that style.

Pics are L to R, Jeepsterman hinge, Hudson hinge, 62 Jeep, 46 Hudson, 46 Hudson tailgate


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