1950 Pacemaker Fabric
Absolutely. UV would turn the old paints darker in color. I think that color that's on it is beautiful.0
Not true with older, period-in-question paints. Jefferson Green is actually a very pretty, light color, but any car that still holds it's original JG paint, it will be super dark, like a Forest Green (and not nearly attractive). Exactly the same effect with the wood-graining on interior pieces (pre-'53): so dark, they can almost get to be a black color with loss of detail. Nitro-Cellulose lacquer darkens and or yellows with age. NCL is what was prevalently used in the stepdown era. Later, other paints came and went and some lightened up with age.0
I wasn't complaining about the color - I like it. I was just relaying my mother's comments. I have no first hand memory of the original color - it was repainted something like six years before I was born.
In an attempt to be diplomatic, I'm guessing that oxidation would cause darkening while UV would cause fading. Maybe you could get lucky and the two would cancel each other out.
Funny thing is that for years, I thought it was originally either Peacock or Oriental green. When I eventually tried to verify which one, the few spots that I could find didn't really seem to match either. Someone here suggested checking the stamped color code on the door hinge but it was pretty rusted over. I tried lightly sanding and found what looked like a 4 or a 9 but neither of those colors codes had a 4 or a 9 in it. After the car was at Dr. Doug's for a while, he told me it was Hawaii green. What? Never heard of it! Turns out it is one of a few late year additions and when you buy a set of 1950 color chips on Ebay (or whatever), those are usually included with the '51 colors. I looked it up and guess what? The code for Hawaii green is 49. All makes sense now.
Anyway, the paint that's going on it is was mixed to the original recipe so the official story is that it looked like that in 1950 and anyone who wants to argue can invent a time machine and prove me wrong.
Wow - this thread has definitely been hijacked, but it was originally mine so I guess it's OK.
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It's always o.k. to change topics on your own thread!(even if you're not the one doing it).0
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