Heater core, starters and gauges
Senior Contributor
Good heater core, no leaks, the housing too. I don't know if the fan works never tried it. $35 + shipping
Two starters one is a core the other is rebuilt. The rebuilt one spins but doesn't engauged, I don't think the spring is engauging.$10 for the core $50 for the rebuilt. + shipping
Clock 6V not working $10 + shipping
Speedo Does work $25 + shipping
water and fuel $20 + shipping The H20 did work, the fuel didn't but I think my sending unit is bad.
Speedo cable for manual $25 + shipping Sorry no picture.
Contact info
Steve Hardy
1017 Kingsway road
Brandon, Fl.33510
raidmagicHET@gmail.com (drop the HET)
Well that was quick!All parts are sold!!0
I'm going to bump this to the top. The parts ended up not selling. They are available. Feel free to make an offer as well.0
Steve, I can't get either one of your e-mail addresses to work--?
This discussion has been closed.
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